At present, China's automobile industry is in a rapid development stage. Rising living standards, the rapid progress of manufacturing industry, the vigorously support of national policy making, becoming increasingly prevalent in China's automobile and got the attention of all walks of life, our country has become a car manufacturing power; With the development of the automobile industry, people's demand for the quality of automobile has been constantly improved, which puts forward higher requirements for the manufacturing process of automobile and parts. Hot forging, as the main forming process of complex shaft parts, is characterized by high strength, good toughness, high precision, high complexity and high productivity. Due to the complexity of hot forging process, mold design is the key factor to consider the forming quality of parts and the wear life of the equipment mold. In order to be able to in the mold design stage can avoid unnecessary design flaws, the CAD/CAE technology has been applied to the hot forging process, with the help of them, we can predict when the hot forging forming quality and mould wear degree, so as to find the best process parameters, theoretically to save the cost of production to improve production efficiency.
In this paper, through the analysis of the hot forging process of the front axle of a car, the temperature field and stress distribution of the die bore and the I-beam are obtained by the simulation technology, and the optimum process parameters of the hot forging process are analyzed. First, according to the related dimension parameters of the given front axle, the forging and forging die, including pre forging, final forging and three stages of billet are designed, and then the 3D model of the die and the forging is designed. Then the hot forging process is simulated by the CAE software DEFORM, and the simulation process is set up. The temperature and forging speed are simulated with two variables, and the influence of the above two variables on the die loss and the forming of the forging is studied. Finally, the optimum forging temperature and forging speed are obtained through the comparison of the simulated numerical values, and the simulation of the above two variables is simulated. It provides a valuable reference for the hot forging process in the actual production process.
Key Words: Hot forging, Hot forging die, Process optimization, Numerical simulation

第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的背景及意义 1
1.1.1汽车行业的发展情况 1
1.1.2热锻工艺在汽车零部件上的应用 1
1.1.3数值模拟技术在热锻工艺上的作用 2
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1热锻模的发展现状与趋势 2
1.2.2热锻模拟仿真技术的发展现状与趋势 3
1.3课题研究内容与目标 3
第2章 汽车前轴热锻模具设计 5
2.1零件工艺性分析 5
2.2热锻模具总体设计流程 6
2.3热锻模设计与模具寿命的关系 6
2.4热锻模设计方案的确定 8
2.4.1锻件图的制定 8
2.4.2变形工步、工步图设计以及毛坯尺寸的计算 10
2.4.3制坯模膛的设计(拔长、滚压) 14
2.4.4终锻模膛的设计 16
2.4.5预锻模膛的设计 17
第3章 锻造过程有限元仿真分析数学基础 19
3.1. 刚塑性有限元法 19
3.2. 锻造过程塑性成形模拟算法基础 20
3.2.1插值问题 20
3.2.2模拟软件中的算法流程 21
第4章 汽车前轴热锻过程的模拟仿真 22
4.1. DEFORM软件分析内容 22
4.2 DEFORM-3D模拟分析 22
4.2.1模拟方案设计 22
4.2.2模拟过程 23
4.3模拟结果分析 33
4.3.1预锻温度的影响 33
4.3.2锻造速度的影响 41
第5章 总结与展望 46
参考文献 47
致谢 49