With the rapid development of the current industrial technology, the cold forging process has become a very important industrial technology, it is widely used in the production of various types of important components, so the output of cold forgings is also an important indicator that can reflect China's overall strength. And in the cold precision forging technology, the design and production of the cold precision forging die are the most important, they play a decisive role in the product quality, production efficiency, and the development of new products.
This article uses a common bicycle disk as the workpiece to carry out the calculation and design of the cold forging die and the process analysis. By combining the contents of the courses of mold design and molding principles that have been learned, a set of cold precision forging dies that can manufacture bicycle disk has been designed. Through the analysis of the workpiece performance and the cold forging process, I have designed several sets of feasible cold forging die structures. And after a multi-faceted comparison of practicality and economy, I choice a set of composite extrusion cold forging dies which based on reverse extrusion. After analyzing the cold forging process performance of the parts and calculating the specific dimensions of the blank, started to design the cold forging dies and calculate the dimensions of the main components. The design section includes the following main points: select mold structure, design mold working part, design guiding device, ejector, and fastening device, design mold fixing method, etc; The calculation section includes the following main points: deformation, cold forging force, calculation of convex and concave die size, etc. After determining the cold forging process plan, use DEFORM-3D finite element analysis software to establish the finite element model of the cold forging process of bicycle disk, and obtained the metal flow law in cold precision forging process. Then observe and analyze the dynamic variables of the workpiece in the process of cold forging to find out what defects exist in the mold design and correct them. Finally, use the Pro/e software to model the cold forging die, and use the Auto-CAD software to draw a total assembly drawing of the cold forging die and several important parts drawings.
Keywords:Cold forging die; Reverse extrusion; Finite-element analysis; Auto-CAD

摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 冷精锻的基本概念 1
1.3 冷精锻的特点 1
1.4 冷精锻的关键技术 2
1.4.1 冷精锻成形工艺与设备 2
1.4.2 冷精锻坯料的材料和处理 2
1.4.3 冷精锻的生产模式 2
1.4.4 冷精锻工艺的模拟与分析 3
1.5 冷精锻的出现与发展 3
1.5.1 冷锻的出现 3
1.5.2 冷锻在近代的发展 3
1.5.3 冷精锻目前在国内外的发展 4
第2章 冷精锻工艺分析 5
2.1 冷锻零件的材料和尺寸参数 5
2.2 毛坯的尺寸 5
2.3 毛坯的软化处理 6
2.4 毛坯的润滑与表面处理 6
2.5 零件冷锻工艺性分析 6
2.6 锻件变形程度的计算 7
2.7 冷锻力的计算 7
2.8 冷锻设备的选择 9
第3章 冷精锻模具设计 11
3.1 模具结构形式的选择 11
3.2 模具工作部分设计 11
3.2.1 上模设计 12
3.2.2 下模设计 13
3.3 模架的选择 13
3.4 压力垫板设计 14
3.5 导向、顶出及紧固零件的设计 14
3.5.1 导向设计 14
3.5.2 顶出装置设计 15
3.5.3 紧固零件设计 15
第4章 冷精锻过程金属流动的有限元模拟分析 18
4.1 创建冷精锻模型 18
4.2 模拟冷锻过程 22
4.3 模拟结果分析 22
第5章 冷精锻模具的建模及装配 29
5.1 建造零件模型 29
5.2 冷锻模装配 30
5.3 冷锻模具总装配图及工作原理 31
5.4 主要零件图 32
第6章 总结与展望 35
6.1 总结 35
6.2 展望 35
致 谢 36
参考文献 37