摘 要
Through the car engine piston centrifugal casting process the correct analysis, design of a four-cavity of a centrifugal casting molds. Detailed description of the casting process simulation used in the various three-dimensional software, including parts on the die-molding, under the model, the core design and casting process simulation and analysis of results.
Overall, the full text is divided into three parts:
The first part is the introduction of the major on the entire design process is the need to use a variety of computer software, such as UG, Procast, MSC_Patran, there is casting the Pistons at home and abroad and the development of this design uses the method of casting Select.
The second part is the preliminary design of mold, this part is mainly to simulate the process of doing the necessary preparations - die design, in accordance with conventional design methods to mold the various parts forming part of the core and designed, this part of the software used to AutoCAD and UG, this part of the request is made to die, core and the casting of three-dimensional model of the assembly.
The third part is part of simulation and analysis, this part is to use Procast, MSC_Patran software such as the second part of the completed three-dimensional model for casting process simulation, this part of this design is the core of the mold before it can reduce design Require substantial financial and material resources in the experimental part. Because of this mold simulation designed with the expected requirements of the process is basically the same, so as to die of unnecessary after the re-improvement.
① 基于对零件结构特征进行分析和具体的材料成形特征深入理解的基础上,确定了运用离心铸造成形技术成形零件的构思;
② 运用UG三维建模软件结合离心铸造工艺特征,初步完成了活塞成形的模具设计,运用一个模具成形四件活塞毛坯;
③ 运用Procast铸造模拟软件对合金流体充填模具型腔的温度场进行分析表明铸件从远离铸件内浇口到内浇口处基本实现了顺序凝固过程,达到了预先设计的目的,需进一步改进浇口部分的尺寸设计;
④ 运用Procast铸造模拟软件对合金流体充填模具型腔的流动过程进行分析表明合金充填型腔的过程呈层流状态,没有引起紊流,充型情况良好。

目 录 14000字
摘 要 I
1. 绪论 1
1.1. 国内外现状 1
1.1.1. 计算机辅助设计软件 1
1.1.2. UG软件简介 1
1.1.3. MSC-Patran简介 1
1.1.4. ProCAST简介 2
1.1.5. ProCAST特点 3
1.1.6. 国内外铝活塞和复合材料铝活塞的制造方法 5
1.1.7. 离心铸造简介 6
1.2. 课题学术和使用意义 8
2. 模具的初步设计 9
2.1. 零件结构分析 9
2.2. 离心铸造设备的确定 9
2.3. 浇注位置和分型面的确定 10
2.4. 铸造工艺参数的确定 10
2.5. 确定铸件数量及排列方式 11
2.6. 砂芯和芯头的设计 12
2.7. 确定铸造成形的浇注系统 13
2.8. 成形模具设计 14
3. 铸造过程的数值模拟及结果分析 17
3.1. 网格的划分 17
3.1.1. MSC-Patran的网格划分 17
3.1.2. 装配网格图形 19
3.2. 模拟的初始条件设置 20
3.2.1. 检查网格 20
3.2.2. 定义材料 21
3.2.3. 定义界面的传热系数 21
3.2.4. 定义边界条件 22
3.2.5. 定义初始条件(温度与重力条件) 23
3.2.6. 定义运行参数 25
3.3. 模拟过程及模拟结果的分析 25
3.3.1. 模拟过程 25
3.3.2. 模拟结果与分析(对温度场与充型过程分别进行分析) 26
4. 结论与展望 31
结 束 语 32
参考文献 33
附 录 34