主页 > 机械机电 > PLC >


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摘 要


In People's Daily life, shopping, bookkeeping, learning, etc., all related to the number, we can use the calculator, calculator is really important. Generally calculator made by arithmetic unit, controller, memory, keyboard, display, power supply and some optional peripherals and electronic parts by manual or machine equipment. In some ways, generalized the "computer" is including the electronic calculator. There are integrated circuit in the electronic calculator, but the function of the calculator is simple, cheap price, good for carrying and good stability.
Based on PLC design of the electronic calculator than traditional calculators are more reliable, more convenient, better performance, easier to adapt to the rapid development of society, greatly convenient people's life. With electronic calculator for development, and its use scope is more and more widely, the future will be more demand for electronic calculator, one of the most advanced controller and PLC as a contemporary, based on the design of the calculator has incomparable advantages than traditional electronic calculator, so this subject is based on programmable logic controller (PLC) in the future design of electronic calculators to get a bigger breakthrough.
In order to consolidate the knowledge in the four years at college, in the design in order to realize the functions including two points, one is to realize the arithmetic of simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, but using the configuration simulation computer images. CX - this will be used for two software Programmer and kingview, respectively is used to write procedures and implement the configuration screen. Through consulting a large number of data, and with the help of the teacher, completed the design of ladder diagram. In ladder diagram, using the MOV, PLT and floating-point arithmetic and related instructions. Using the kingview software and PLC communication, through kingview carries on the simulation, real-time monitoring.

KEY WORDS : Electronic calculators, PLC,  Ladder,Configuration


目 录
摘 要    5
第一章 前 言    8
1.1 课题来源    8
1.2 电子计算器的发展    9
1.2.1 电子计算器的起源    9
1.2.2 电子计算器的构成    9
1.3 课题研究的意义和目的    10
1.3.1 课题的意义    10
1.3.2 课题研究的目的    11
1.4 控制要求    11
1.5设计任务    11
第二章 系统程序设计    12
2. 1  PLC的产生和定义    12
2.2 PLC目前的发展现状以及未来的发展趋势    12
2.2.1PLC的发展现状    12
2.2.2 PLC的发展趋势    13
2.3 OMRON系列PLC    14
2.4 方案对比    14
2.4.1基于单片机设计的电子计算器    14
2.4.2基于PLC设计的电子计算器    15
2.5控制程序流程图及分析    15
2.6 系统变量定义及分配表    16
2.7 命令语言的介绍    17
2.8 梯形图的编写    19
第三章 控制系统人机界面设计    23
3.1人机界面软件介绍---组态王    23
3.2使用组态王软件开发具有以下特点    24
3.3 人机界面制作过程    25
3.3.1组态王监控画面的创建    25
3.3.2 设置动画连接    28
第四章 系统调试    32
4.1对梯形图进行调试    32
4.2组态的调试    33
4.2.1 加法的检验    33
4.2.1 除法的检验    34
4.2.3 减法的检验    35
致 谢    37
参考文献    38
毕业设计小结    39
