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关键词:  PLC  M7130磨床  电气控制系统  改造

Nowadays in the enterprise and the school the very many grinder age is remote, also uses is the traditional relay - contact device control mode. Because this control mode has the line complex, the reliability low, the failure rate higher shortcoming, its operating performance could not achieve the modern production by far the request. Therefore has the necessity to carry on the technological transformations to the old-style convention control system, by the programmable logic controller (PLC) substitution convention relay, achieves the grinder automation control the request.
This design is uses PLC to carry on the design transformation to the M7130 grinder electricity control system, First,the design has analyzed the M7130 grinder electrical control principle,simultaneously acts according to the M7130 grinder the control request and the characteristic, determines PLC the input/The output assignment, had determined uses PLC to transform the M7130 grinder electricity control system the design proposal, completes the electricity control system the hardware and the software design. End, in the original black-white control line foundation, designs the trapezoidal chart and carries on the scene debugging. Changes after the PLC control, its electricity control system big simplification, and serviced conveniently, easy to inspect, saves the massive relay element, engine bed each performance has the very big improvement, the working efficiency had the distinct enhancement. Therefore this technology also may promote applies in the automated other domain control system.
Keywords:  PLC  M7130 grinder  Electrical control system  Transformation

1 绪论    1
1.1 本课题的研究背景与意义    1
1.2 相关领域国内外应用的现状及发展趋势    2
1.3 M7130磨床的概述    3
1.4 本课题的相关知识    4
1.5 本课题的主要内容    5
2 本课题的工作原理与总体设计    6
2.1 M7130磨床的主要结构    6
2.2 M7130磨床的工作原理    6
2.3 M7130磨床的运动形式及控制要求    7
2.4 M7130磨床电气控制线路图    9
2.5 M7130磨床PLC控制方案的设计    12
3 硬件设计    13
3.1 M7130磨床电器元件    13
3.2 PLC的选型原则    14
3.3 PLC的I/O分配    15
3.4 PLC 的外部接线    16
3.5 电气控制的安全技术措施    17
4 软件设计    19
4.1 流程图    19
4.2 分步梯形图    21
4.3 完整梯形图    24
4.4 程序语句表    25
4.5 PLC控制系统抗干扰设计    26
5 调试与仿真    28
结论    35
致谢    36
参考文献    37
