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关键词:PLC 颗粒料包装机 GX Developer 控制系统

Because of traditional relay control grain packing machine work circuit complexity, poor reliability, failure diagnosis and elimination, difficulties such as faults, puts forward the design of packaging machine with PLC control system.Programmable controller (PLC) as the core device of control system, powerful, stable and reliable performance.In the modern industrial automation has been widely used in produ.
This design at a high speed automatic granular packaging machine control system as the background, combined theory with practice, expounds the PLC technology, photoelectric sensor technology, communication technology, which integrates advanced control technology in the application of the packaging machine control system.Through to the small automatic grain packing machine process analysis, it overcomes the defect of traditional small packing machine transmission scheme, put forward the idea of the PLC control of the flexible packaging machine.Design work tasks including packaging and kinematic analysis, the control part of the hardware selection, electrical schematic drawing and PLC programming, as well as the selection and installation of various electrical components, final packaging machine PLC control system is presented.the hardware composition and software design.
After rigorous testing, in the laboratory simulation run, achieved good control effect.Through the program optimization and parallel processing, better achieve the control requirements.
Keywords: PLC  Grain packing machine  GX Developer  Control system

1  绪论    1
1.1  颗粒包装机产生的背景及意义    1
1.2  PLC在包装机械上应用和前景    1
1.3  设计的主要内容    2
2  颗粒料包装机    3
2.1  颗粒料包装机的工作过程    3
2.2  包装机的运行速度    3
2.3  控制方案的设计    5
2.4  系统的运行方式    5
2.5  控制系统硬件设计    6
2.5.1  总体结构    6
2.5.2  主要器件    6
3  机构的工作原理及器件的选择    8
3.1  各机构的工作原理    8
3.1.1  纸供送机构    8
3.1.2  给料装置机构    8
3.1.3  压纸切纸机构    9
3.1.4  下料装置机构    9
3.1.5  封口机构    9
3.2  器件的选择    10
3.2.1  真空发生装置    10
3.2.2  气缸    12
3.2.3  空气压缩机    13
3.2.4  传感器    14
3.2.5  电磁阀    14
4  系统的编程和设计    14
4.1  PLC概论    15
4.1.1  PLC的结构    15
4.1.2  PLC基本工作原理    16
4.2  PLC的编程软件    17
4.2.1  GX Developer的特点    17
4.2.2  PLC程序的总体结构    18
4.3  PLC控制系统设计的原则    19
4.4  程序设计    20
4.4.1  SFC编程    21
4.4.2  系统梯形图    22
4.4.3  程序的优化    25
4.5  系统电路    28
结论    32
致谢    33
附录    35
附录A  控制面板    35
附录B  系统电路图    36
