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关键词:立体停车库 控制系统 PLC


With the rapid development of economy of our country, and people's living standard is increasing day by day, especially since the reform and opening up to the outside world, the number of automobiles in the city have increased, formerly that kind of single layer plane parking lot has to meet the needs of the market. As an important vehicle, the vehicle is closely related with people's daily life, and it becomes a sign of city development..
Stereo garage is a multi planar space parking garage by programmable logic controller (PLC) control parking space position changes, so as to realize the function of parking. The up-down and translation stereo garage the conveyor that carries the template shift to produce a vertical channel and a horizontal channel, realize the multilayer parking lifting vehicle access. In the control of the parking lot, there are three control modes: manual control, computer control and PLC control.. Compared with the other two, the PLC control has obvious advantages, it is used for a long time, high level of automation, good safety performance, simple operation, it is the most reliable, use and spirit with the.
In this paper, the design and working principle of the control system based on PLC in the garage, and expounds the 2 layer 3 - 5 parking spaces in the up-down and translation stereo garage. Parking is mainly composed of a mechanical system, transmission system, control system, car carrying part and safety protection etc.. Transmission system is mainly through the positive and the negative rotation of the three-phase asynchronous motor to control load floors down and move around, so as to realize the automation of vehicle access.
Key words: parking equipment,control system, PLC


1 绪论    1
1.1  立体停车库发展概况和前景    1
1.2  课题设计的目的及意义    1
1.3 课题设计的内容    2
2 PLC的简介与立体车库的概述    3
2.1 立体停车库的分类    3
2.2 可编程控制器PLC的诞生和发展史    4
2.3 可编程控制器的分类和基本结构    5
2.4 PLC的定义及特点    6
2.5 可编程控制器的工作原理和应用领域    7
3 立体停车库的硬件设计    9
3.1 PLC的选型    9
3.2 系统硬件结构组成    9
3.3 主要元器件    11
3.4 升降横移式立体停车库平面示意图设计    15
3.5 主电路图    16
4 立体停车库控制系统的软件设计    18
4.1 组态王监控软件    18
4.2 I/O地址分配和外部接线图    18
4.3 升降横移式立体停车库的控制流程图    21
4.4 梯形图设计说明    22
4.5 组态过程模拟    25
5 结论    27
致谢    28
参考文献    28
附录A 程序梯形图    30
附录B 组态监控软件图    38
