主页 > 机械机电 > PLC >


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摘 要
关键词:绢纺生产;速度控制;电控设计; PLC控制技术;PID;伺服电机

Design on Electronic control of Silk Spinning production line

Silk industry was developed from the full manual production in home to the semi – automatization production in now. But most of the key steps in production are manual operation because of the low degree automation. Therefore, this situation has restricted the productivity and the development of silk enterprises greatly.
This paper aims to design reasonable and efficient electric control for the silk industry to automatically fetching and dropping splint automatically . Electric control design of production line is using the theory of electrical automation to simplify the human labor and improve productivity. The main work and innovation are as follows:
1.Appling variable frequency speed regulation of the motor to completion of the production line to control the conveyor belt`s running speed. Analysis the two cases of the base frequency up and down and using “Sumlink” software to simulate the frequency conversion speed regulation of the motor. The simulation results show the feasibility of the variable frequency speed regulation scheme.
  2.The auxiliary clamping device and a key position conveyor require precise speed control. So designing the servo motor speed control scheme based on PLC.
Also designing the closed-loop system composed PID control which can adjust the output value according to the difference between the input value and actual speed.
  3.In the design that automatic cotton device in the practical application has  problem because of pure mechanical structure. For this designs the control motor positive inversion under the PLC to achieve the Automatic cotton picking
  In the end, we also prospected the future development direction.
Keywords: Spun silk spinning; speed control; Electric control design ; PLC control technology; PLC;PID; Servomotor.


摘 要    III
Abstract    IV
第1章 绪 论    1
1.1论文背景及研究意义    1
1.2  国内外研究动态    1
1.2.1 国内外绢纺生产线的现状    1
1.2.2 国内外电气自动化的现状与发展    2
1.3 传统工艺流程    2
1.4 论文研究目的和内容    3
第2章 部分传送的速度控制    5
2.1变频器概述    5
2.2三相异步电机变频调速的原理    6
2.2.1基频以下的变频调速    6
2.2.2基频以上变频调速    6
2.3 三相异步电动机变频调速仿真模型    7
2.4 仿真模拟结果    8
2.5三相异步电动机转速检测    10
第3章  副夹板放入和取出的电控设计    12
3.1 夹取副夹板工艺设计前后对比    12
3.2电机以及其他装置的选取    13
3.3 PLC的选取和PID的设计    16
3.3.1 PLC的选取    16
3.3.2 模糊PID设计    17
3.4取放副夹板工艺的同步电控设计    19
3.4.1系统控制图    19
3.4.2系统电路连接    21
第4章 取落棉的电控设计    22
4.1 取落棉装置的设计前后对比    25
4.2改进优化设计方案    27
4.3线路图    28
第5章 总结和展望    30
5.1论文总结    30
5.2工作展望    31
参考文献    32
附录    33
致谢    33
