来源:56doc.com 资料编号:5D3857 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D3857
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摘 要
关键词:高中生 网络语言 新特点 中学生
An analysis on the sociology so net language
----talk high school students of QingHua middle school as an example
Net language is developing and enriched with in the carrent context of new media development, and people pay much attention to it from its birth. High school students, as the group that first reacts to the new –born language. Use net language frequently. Therefor, using net language becomes a wide-spread phenomenon among the youths. They use the net as a new space for mulud exchanging. Attracting attention of the public in various ways. By surveys and interriews, this thesis investigates the situation of using net language among high school students, taking high school students of HuaXi QingHua middle school as an example. Focusing on the new characteristics and motives of using net language, The thesis discusses the varied public opinions, and learns the real situation of using net language after its development tends to be stabilized. Based on all the studies, the thesis finally puts forward some allordingly problems to think about.
Keywords: High school students,Net language,New characteristics,Secondary school students
目 录 12000字
目 录...................................................................I
摘 要..................................................................Ⅲ
前 言...................................................................1
1. 网络语言杂糅本地言.....................................................6
2. 火星文.................................................................6
3. 手机短信成为新宠.......................................................7
五、结 论...............................................................15
致 谢...................................................................17
附录....................................................................18 |