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摘 要:拟南芥SNI1是植物病程相关蛋白表达和系统获得性抗性的一个负调控因子,它的突变会导致植株对水杨酸的高度敏感和病程相关蛋白的高量表达,并提高了植株对病原菌H.a.Noco2的抵抗力。另外,sni1在形态上与野生型不同,突变体植株矮小,叶片狭长,生长发育受到的影响更明显。本文以sni1突变体纯合子植株和野生型拟南芥植株为材料,研究SNI1对拟南芥叶片生长发育的影响。
Effects of SNI1 Mutation on Leaf Growth and Development in Arabidopsis
Abstract: SNI1 is a negative regulator in PR gene expression and SAR in Arabidopsis. When SNI1 is mutated, the mutant plants exhibit hypersensitivity to SA and enhanced PR gene expression. And the plants are more resistant to the virulent oomycete pathogen H. a. Noco2. In addition, different from wide type plant on morphology, sni1 plants are dwarfed and have smaller and narrower leaves. The impact on growth and development are more obvious. In this paper, sni1 homozygotes and wild-type plants were used as materials, the effects of SNI1 mutation on leaf growth and development were studied in Arabidopsis.
Key words: SNI1 gene; systemic acquired resistance (SAR); growth and development; Arabidopsis leaf; Paraffin section

目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
2 材料与方法 4
2.1 材料 4
2.1.1 植物材料 4
2.1.2 实验仪器及试剂 4
2.2 试验方法 5
2.2.1 拟南芥的预处理 5
2.2.2 拟南芥的种植 5
2.2.3 拟南芥的移盆 5
2.2.4 拟南芥的观察 5
2.2.5 拟南芥叶片的石蜡切片的制作(试验方法一) 5
2.2.6 徒手切片的制作(试验方法二) 7
3 结果与分析 8
3.1 SNI1基因突变对拟南芥整株植物生长发育的影响 8
3.2 SNI1基因突变对拟南芥植株叶片生长发育的影响 8
3.3 SNI1基因突变对拟南芥莲座状真叶数目的影响 10
3.4 SNI1基因突变对拟南芥叶肉细胞的影响 10
4 讨论 11
5 参考文献 11
6 致谢 13