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Since the development of Daqing oilfield investment since the process of perforating the reservoir protection technology in general has gone through three stages: first, SQ691 wells perforating instrument track, mud kill, type WD67-1 oil and gas well shaped charges is open as a symbol of accurate reservoir perforating technology stage; second, killing over water tubing perforating oil and gas wells, vacuum wells perforating, oil and gas well perforating fluid application as a symbol of protection reservoir perforation process technical stage; third, deep penetrating oil well perforating, complex oil and gas well perforating, DB-Ⅱ type of oil and gas well perforating instrument digital applications as a symbol of liberation reservoir wells perforating technology stage.
Over the past decade, the domestic perforating theoretical research by deepening wells, improve the supporting technology, to increase oil and gas wells perforated shells and form a series of new varieties, such as shortening the gap between oil and gas well perforating technology with the world advanced level, the overall level is close the international advanced level.
[Key Words] Perforation of oil and gas wells; completion; process

第1章  射孔过程中的储层保护技术    1
第2章    射孔的流程及作用    4
2.1地层物性特征与射孔方式的初步探讨    4
2.2两种新射孔工艺的浅析        5
第3章  油气井聚能射孔器的命名    6
3.1油气井聚能射孔器型号命名原则    6
第4章 油气井聚能射孔器之前提:聚能效应    7
4.1 范聚能效应    7
4.2 聚能油气井聚能射孔器分类及性能    8
参考文献    10
