来源:56doc.com 资料编号:5D2609 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D2609

一个技术管理学院提案 工程与管理已普遍被视为是大相径庭的学科,而实际上他们是相连的共生关系: 垫款在工程产生更大更好的项目,就需要先进的管理. 当工程技术和管理技术的进步在一个平等的步伐,结果可能是惊人的成就. 但是, 在当今瞬息万变的世界管理层和经营管理知识似乎是落后的现状确实存在,不是被转移到工程技术人员,目前正处于一个位置使用它最有效. 其中一项建议,以解决不公平,现在两国之间存在的学科建设,是一所技术管理学院( TMI ) 可能是由美国土木工程师学会( ASCE ) . 技术管理学院可以提供一个框架,为跨学科研究, 发展和传播信息的管理技术和新技术,其中成员是工程界的. (毕业设计 ) 此工程技术管理提案很有说服力. 在历史的长河中,技术和管理方面的发展,而不是分别在一起,在回应对方. 工业革命前,没有正规的管理技巧也是需要的. 业主小手工业有能力管理其财政监督工作者个人. 工业革命时期, 业主意识到他们无法监督的数百名工人. 因此需要熟练的管理,监督生产工艺的开发. 科技和管理技术的改进,从18世纪到20世纪有经验的专业管理人员开始基础研究与实践. 但是,在当今时代,信息技术革命对传统的管理技术已设置了新的要求。过去数十年来,随着持续进展的通讯服务,生产的需求出现了急剧的变化,随着持续进展的通讯服务, 这些新的需求有必要采用新的管理方法,如电子商务和时间清单. Engineering and management are generally regarded as widely disparate disciplines when in fact they are linked by a symbiotic relationship: advances in engineering lead to bigger and better projects, which then require advances in management. When engineering and management techniques advance at an equal pace, the result can be astounding successes. However, management appears to be lagging behind technology in today's rapidly changing world, and the managerial knowledge that does exist is not being transferred to the engineers who are now in a position to use it the most effectively. One of the proposals to solve the inequity now existing between the two disciplines is the development of a Technology Management Institute (TMI), possibly by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). A TMI could provide a framework for the interdisciplinary research, development and dissemination of information on managerial techniques and new technology among the members of the engineering profession. The case for a TMI is strong. Over the course of history, technology and management have developed not separately, but together and in response to each other. Before the Industrial Revolution, no formal management skills were needed. Owners of small cottage industries had the ability to manage their finances and supervise their workers personally. During the Industrial Revolution, owners realized they could not oversee hundreds of workers in addition to the new complications associated with a factory. Thus the need for skilled managers to oversee the production process developed. Technology and management techniques improved from the 18th through the 20th century on the basis of research and the practical experience gained by management professionals. However, in the present era, the Information Revolution has now placed new demands on conventional management techniques. Production requirements have shifted dramatically over the last few decades, and these new demands, along with continued progress in communications, have necessitated new managerial methods such as electronic commerce and just-in-time inventories. 全文4600字 |