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基于一系列的早先研究,低周反复荷载作用下,在一个较低的二个层带有分体柱的三层两跨钢筋混凝土框架整体模型(1/3比例)上做抗震性能实验。在较低的二层模型框架先用短柱,然后用分体柱代替。在模型框架顶层的侧位移和低周反复水平荷载之间的滞后曲线指出,在低周反复荷载作用之下,模型框架在极限荷载作用下在未破坏情况下经历一个开裂、屈服和最大载重的过程。他们也指出,模型框架有较好的延展性,并且极限位移和屈服位移的比值达到了6.0。模型框架屈服过程对于分体柱框架来说, 当框架仍然持有承载变形的能力时,梁端的塑性铰先屈服,然后柱子才开始屈服。直接在钢筋混凝土框架中把短柱变为长柱的设计理论,是用分体柱更换短柱的实验成果。

关键词  钢筋混凝土框架;抗震性能;分体柱;短柱;模型试验。

Model Experiment on Integral Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Frame with Split Columns
Based on a series of previous studies,an experiment on the integral seismic behavior of a 1/3 scaled model of two-bay and three-story reinforced concrete frame with split columns at lower two stories is performed under cyclic loading.The original columns at lower two stories of the model frame are short columns and they are replaced by the split columns.The hysteresis curves between the horizontal cyclic load and the lateral displacement at the top of the model frame.indicate that under the cyclic loading,the model frame undergoes the process of cracking,yielding.and maximum loading before being destroyed at the ultimate load。 They also indicate that the model frame has better ductility.and the ratio of the ultimate displacement to the yielding displacement,reaches 6。0.The yielding process of the model frame shows that for the frame with split columns,plastic hinges are generated at the ends of beams and then the columns begin yielding while the frame still possesses the bearing and deformation capacity。 The design idea of directly changing the short column to long one in the reinforced concrete frame may be realized by replacing the short column with the split one.。

Keywords  reinforced concrete frame:seismic behavior:split column :short column:model experiment。
