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在 2001 年六月,英文遗产机构和建筑学及被建造的环境的代理机构 (CABE) 出版了在高层建筑物的指导。 从组织和保险主题中受到了广泛的回应。 大多数 (64%) 支援了指导。
在 2002 年十一月政府回应中,地方政府上的国会委员会的一个报告书回应了在高层建筑物上的地方事件。资讯科技决定,作为一个已经存在的关于设计和新的发展区域的政策和忠告的实质物体,它需要一个分开的政策不用考虑高层建筑物。 在更新 PPG1 方面,它将指出重要设计、安全和实质的发展计划,为尊重他们的环境和内容。
政府也鼓励英文遗产和 CABE 结束轮流委员会的推荐和政府回应的完全进入高层建筑物的指导。 资讯科技陈述这共同地发展好的实践解释将能够作为测定计划建议的物质考虑,而且将对地方计划主管当局的规划政策方面有很大的价值。
这一份指导文件是上述的方法结果。 它的目的是提供建议和与高层建筑物有关的好的实践指导并且加强和其他议题之间的交流。 资讯科技宣布 CABE 和英文遗产机构对未来高层建筑物的评估建议计划。 CABE 和英文遗产机构推荐地方主管当局应该为他们自己考虑,以它作为一个基础的个案计划和为地方政策做起点的准备。
Guidance on Tall Buildings
In June 2001, English Heritage and the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) published a consultation document Guidance on Tall Buildings. Responses were received from a wide range of organisations and interests. The majority (64%) supported the guidance.
In November 2002 the Government responded to a Report of the Parliamentary Committee on Transport, Local Government and Regional Affairs on tall buildings. It resolved that as a substantial body of policy and advice already existed in relation to the design and location of new development, it did not consider that a separate policy on tall buildings was required. In updating PPG1, it will underline the importance of securing well-designed, safe and sustainable developments that show respect for their surroundings and context.
The Government also encouraged English Heritage and CABE to finalise their draft Guidance on Tall Buildings taking full account of the Committee's recommendations and the Government's response. It stated that this jointly developed good practice note would be capable of being a material consideration in the determination of planning proposals and would be of value to local planning authorities in drawing up their planning policies. |