Online teaching system design and development
With the development of computer and network technology, the network plays more and more important role in the educational fields,So this new educational model,networking education model occurred. The network teaching is developing thoroughly in university, but the teaching effect is not entirely satisfactory.One of the most important reasons is the lack of the high quality universal network teaching platform.
Based on the analysis of present situation of network teaching platform development in the domestic and foreign,this system has been designed and realized universal network teaching management platform using the J2EE technology.During the development and realization of The Network Teaching Platform , the follows tools and technology are used .Such as : Struts2, Hibernate, Spring and so on.The functions of the system are follows:
First, administrator adding, deleting querying and altering teacher information student information, class information, class course tables, bulletins and importing the above information with Excel.
Second, teacher releasing and managing inform, managing all kinds of the uploaded study materials, giving homework, correcting homework and giving comment, answering student’s problems online, taking part in student’s discussion and managing the content.
Third, student can receive the teacher’s notice, query and download the study materials uploaded by teacher and student can also watch the study video online and view homework given by teacher and submit the not expired homework. Moreover, student can view the teacher’s comment and the excellent homework, ask teacher for questions and participate in the class discussion too.
The online teaching management platform is composed of three subsystems,the administrator management,the teacher teaching management and the student study.The platform has the following features:First,the operation is simple and the surface is friendly;Second,the platform is comprehensive in function;Third, the platform with power function and has the universal characters can meet the requirement of the teaching activities of our college so this system has strong application value.
Keywords:online teaching; sqlserver; Struts2; Hibernate3; J2EE
1) 下载作业:学生可以通过该功能模块实现网上下载作业。
2) 上传作业:学生可以通过该功能模块来上传自己完成的作业,以便老师及时批阅。
3) 下载学习音视频:学生可以通过该功能模下载学习视频、音频。
4) 在线留言:生可以通过该功能模块实现在线提问。
1) 上传布置的作业:教师通过该功能模块来上传给学生布置的作业。
2) 上传学习音视频:教师通过该功能模块来给上传课堂学习视频、音频。
3) 在线答疑: 教师通过该功能模块进行在线答疑。
1) 增删改留言信息:管理员通过该功能模块来显示留言信息并进行增加删除更改操作。
2) 增删改学习信息:管理员通过该功能模块来显示学习信息并进行增加删除更改课程信息的更新操作。
3) 增删改公告、新闻信息:管理员通过该功能模块来显示主要公告和新闻信息,并进行增加删除更改的操作。
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 研究目的及意义 2
2 系统分析 3
2.1 需求分析 3
2.1.1 功能需求 3
2.1.2 性能需求 4
2.2 功能分析 4
2.3 可行性分析 5
2.3.1 经济可行性 5
2.3.2 技术可行性 6
2.3.3 操作可行性 7
2.4 业务流分析 7
2.5 数据流分析 8
2.6 数据字典 9
3 系统设计 13
3.1 登录模块设计 13
3.2 老师模块 13
3.3 学生模块 14
3.4 管理员模块 15
4 系统实现 16
4.1 教师学习实现 16
4.1.1 注册及登录模块 16
4.1.2 上传作业模块 17
4.1.3 下载学生作业模块 18
4.1.4 上传学习视频模块 18
4.1.5 留言模块 18
4.2 学生学习实现 19
4.2.1 注册及登录模块 19
4.2.2 下载老师作业模块 21
4.2.3 下载学习视频模块 21
4.2.4 留言模块 22
4.3 管理员模块实现 22
4.3.1 管理员登录 22
4.3.2 留言管理 23
4.3.3 学习音视频管理 24
4.3.4 新闻公告管理 25
5 系统测试 26
5.1 软件测试 26
5.2 测试结果 26
总结 28
参考文献 29
致谢 30