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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D27361 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D27361
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The Jetta sedan has a high sales in China market. On the basis of the traditional clutch structure, this paper designs the clutch for the 2017 Jetta cars. The main task of this paper is to complete the design of clutch assembly, and to do the simulation analysis of key components.
The paper is divided into three parts: the working principle and classification of the clutch, the design of the assembly and parts, and the analysis of the key components with ANSYS. First of all, according to the background and related development, the content, purpose and significance of the research are described. In addition, the selection and design calculation of clutch parts and assembly are discussed in chapters. Finally, the static stress and modal analysis of the driven disk hub are carried out by finite element analysis, so that the designed clutch can meet the requirements and work properly.
This paper makes use of computer software such as CAD, CATIA and ANSYS, which greatly reduces the design workload and improves the design efficiency. It provides theoretical guidance and practical support for the clutch design of the manufacturers.
KeyWords:clutch;design;diaphragm spring


第1章绪论    1
1.1 课题研究背景    1
1.2 设计目的及意义    1
1.3 国内外研究现状    2
1.4 研究内容及预期目标    2
第2章确定离合器方案    4
2.1 分析车型    4
2.2离合器结构方案    4
2.2.1 从动盘数    5
2.2.2 压紧弹簧的结构形式    5
2.2.3 膜片弹簧的支承形式    6
第3章离合器基本参数    7
3.1 后备系数β    7
3.2摩擦系数f    7
3.3摩擦片设计参数    7
3.4 单位压力P0    8
3.5校核离合器基本参数    8
3.5.1最大圆周速度    8
3.5.2 单位摩擦面积传递力矩Tc0    8
3.5.3滑磨功ω    9
第4章离合器结构零件设计    10
4.1 从动盘总成设计    10
4.1.1 从动盘总成结构型式    10
4.1.2 从动片结构型式    10
4.1.3 从动盘毂    11
4.2 离合器盖设计    12
4.3 压盘设计    13
4.3.1压盘几何尺寸    13
4.3.2压盘温升校核    14
第5章膜片弹簧设计    15
5.1膜片弹簧几何参数    15
5.1.1 H/h比值和h的选择    15
5.1.2自由状态下碟簧大端半径R、小端半径r    15
5.1.3膜片弹簧起始圆锥底角α    15
5.1.4 其他设计参数    15
5.2基本参数校核    16
5.3 膜片弹簧工作点位置的选择    16
5.4 强度校核    18
第6章扭转减振器设计    20
6.1基本设计参数选择    20
6.1.1极限转矩Tj    20
6.1.2 扭转角刚度kφ    20
6.1.3阻尼摩擦转矩Tμ    20
6.1.4 预紧转矩Tn    20
6.1.5 减振弹簧位置半径R0    20
6.1.6 减振弹簧总压力FΣ    21
6.2减振弹簧设计    21
6.2.1 减振弹簧参数    21
6.2.2 减振弹簧刚度K    21
6.2.3 减振弹簧的有效圈数i    21
6.2.4 减振弹簧长度及变形量    22
6.3 其他设计    22
6.3.1限位销与从动盘缺口侧边的间隙λ    22
6.3.2从动盘毂安装窗口及缺口设计    22
第7章操纵机构    24
7.1 操纵机构设计    24
7.2 操纵机构校核    24
7.2.1自由行程    24
7.2.2工作行程    25
7.2.3踏板总行程    25
7.2.4 踏板力校核    25
第8章从动盘毂分析    26
8.1 建立从动盘毂模型    26
8.2 静应力分析    27
8.2.1约束及加载    27
8.2.2输出结果与分析    27
8.3 模态分析    27
结论    29
参考文献    30
致谢    31
