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摘 要:本研究试图查明奶牛分娩前后血糖变化规律,为阐明生殖应激机理提供理论基础。试验随机选取12头奶牛于预产期5-15天,产前3天,分娩当天,产后第3天,第7天,21-35天,38-45天早上奶牛空腹尾中静脉采血,测定血糖。结果表明分娩前后血糖含量差异非常显著(P<0.01)。动态变化曲线显示此次试验11头奶牛在分娩前血糖浓度都处于正常范围内,到了分娩当天血糖浓度显著升高达到最大值,分娩完成后血糖开始下降,此后然分娩后三天内血糖浓度都处于一个较低的水平,分娩第3天以后血糖浓度开始回升在2-3周内恢复分娩前时的血糖浓度的正常值。
关键词: 血糖;酮病;生殖应激;
Monitoring and Analysis of the Blood Sugar in Dairy Cows Before and After childbirth
Abstract:This study attempts to identify the changes of blood glucose before and after childbirth cows to clarify the mechanism of reproductive stress, to address the theoretical basis of reproductive stress syndrome. Trial randomized 12 cows at the expected date of 5-15 days, 3 days pre-natal, delivery day, post-natal day 3, day 7 ,21-35-day ,38-45 morning fasting cows tail vein blood, using glucose test kit, with a Hitachi 7170A automatic biochemical analyzer. The results showed that blood sugar levels before and after childbirth significant difference (P <0.01). Dynamic curve shows the 11 test blood glucose levels before giving birth, cows are in the normal range, to the day of birth significantly increased blood glucose levels reached the maximum blood glucose began to decline after birth, then after three days after childbirth are at blood glucose levels a lower level, 3 days after birth began to increase blood glucose levels before delivery in 2-3 weeks when the restoration of normal blood glucose levels.
Key words:Blood sugar;ketosis ;stress ;delivery