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Design of programmable microwave oven control system
Abstract:The design is based on STM32F103ZE programmable microwave oven control system to single-chip control core, combined with timer and touch screen for timing control. The main purpose is to design a household microwave oven control systemwich with a simple operation and a rich interface ,compared to the traditional microwave oven with cooking, baking and thawing three intelligent functions.The design mainly involves three modules, one is the microwave oven function selection and the establishment; the second is in the LCD screen on the working mode and the working state of the microwave display, the third is the alarm information through the sound prompts. First through the touch screen to set the required functions, and then according to the selected function of the food for the corresponding time and the heating of the simulation. Among them, by touching the LCD real-time display heating time, working mode and after the end of the sound alarm alarm and so on.
Keywords:STM32 single chip;intelligent control;Touch screen control


第一章 绪论    1
1.1引言    1
1.2 课题研究背景    1
1.3课题的内容和要求    1
1.4课题的目的和意义    2
第二章 控制系统总述    3
2.1系统实现框图    3
2.2系统功能的实现    3
第三章 各模块设计方案    5
3.1键盘电路设计    5
3.2显示设计    6
3.3报警设计    7
3.4图片存储设计    7
3.5微波炉加热原理分析    8
3.5.1 微波的产生    8
3.5.2 微波加热原理    9
3.5.3 微波炉加热原理    10
3.5.4 微波炉的结构    11
3.5.5 微波炉的心脏——磁控管    12
第四章 硬件设计    14
4.1系统控制核心STM32F103介绍    14
4.1.1 STM32F103主要性能    14
4.1.2 STM32F103引脚及功能    14
4.1.3 STM32F103内置功能    14
4.2显示电路设计    15
4.2.1 LED显示电路设计    15
4.2.2 触摸屏显示电路设计    15
4.3蜂鸣器发生电路    17
4.4 PCB图的绘制    17
第五章 软件设计    19
5.1软件总体框图    19
5.2 定时器控制    21
5.2.1定时器时钟配置    21
5.2.2定时器编程控制    21
5.3 触摸屏编程控制    21
5.3.1 触摸屏显示编程    22
5.3.2 触控编程控制    22
5.4 蜂鸣器编程控制    22
5.5各工作模式加热时间与火候    23
第六章 总结    24
6.1 论文总结    24
6.1.1 主要工作及结论    24
6.1.2 存在的问题    24
6.2 感想与收获    24
参考文献    26
致谢    27
