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Intelligent Environment Monitoring System for Hennery
Abstract:In order to realize the real-time monitoring of hennery environment, a hennery intelligent monitoring system with STC89C52RC as the main control chip was designed. The whole system consists of three parts: lower hardware module, wireless transmission module and upper computer software module. The system can collect three main environmental parameters of temperature and humidity, light intensity, and ammonia concentration, and perform data processing on the upper computer to compare the collected value with a preset threshold to determine whether to warn the operator to adjust the data. Analysis and monitoring of the environmental parameters of the hennery can improve the living environment, increase the activity and reduce the impact of feces. After software and hardware debugging, the basic requirements for design were finally achieved. The device can collect, display, analyze and output data in a hennery as a unit, which has low cost, convenient use, and high reliability.
Keywords: Hennery; Environmental monitoring; Intelligence;STC89C52RC; Sensor


1引言    1
1.1研究背景和意义    1
1.2 养鸡场智能环境监控对鸡群的影响    1
1.3 国内外养鸡场环境监控研究现状    2
1.4研究内容    2
1.5预期目标    3
2系统总体设计    3
2.1设计原则    3
2.2系统设计的总体框架    4
2.3系统设计的总体流程    4
3系统硬件设计    5
3.1系统所用元器件的比较与选择    5
3.1.1 MCU选型    5
3.1.2温湿度传感器选型    5
3.1.3光照传感器选型    6
3.1.4氨气传感器选型    6
3.1.5无线传输模块选型    6
3.1.6 方案选择总结    7
3.2硬件设计    7
3.2.1温湿度监测模块设计    7
3.2.2光照监测模块设计    8
3.2.3氨气监测模块设计    8
3.2.4液晶显示模块设计    9
3.2.5复位模块设计    10
3.2.6报警模块设计    10
3.2.7电源模块设计    10
3.3单片机与蓝牙模块连接设计    11
3.4总电路设计    11
4系统软件设计    12
4.1下位机程序编写    12
4.1.1下位机温湿度采集子程序编写    12
4.1.2下位机光照强度采集子程序编写    13
4.1.3下位机氨气浓度采集子程序编写    14
4.2上位机程序编写    15
4.2.1 上位机主界面编写    16
4.2.2 数据的获取    16
4.2.3 数据处理以及结果显示    17
5系统联调与测试    18
5.1系统成品图    18
5.2调试    19
5.2.1硬件调试    19
5.2.2软件调试    19
5.2.3 上位机与下位机联合测试    20
5.3调试结果    23
6总结与展望    24
参考文献    24
致谢    26
