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The Design and Implementation of Indoor Environment Control System
Abstract:Observed studies have found that various indoor environmental factors have a positive or negative impact on people's production and life. Controlling the environment within an appropriate range will help to improve people's production and living standards. So it is necessary to monitor and control the environment. This paper designs an intelligent environmental control system, which uses STC89C51 single-chip computer system as the slave computer to collect data and control equipment. Personal computer is used as upper computer to process environmental data and plan control scheme. After testing, the system can complete real-time detection of environmental temperature and humidity, weather, air quality, and make timely control functions.
Key words: Single Chip Computer; Temperature and Humidity Sensor; Serial Communication; Crawle
1 绪论 1
1.1 背景介绍 1
1.2 本文内容 2
1.3 本文结构 2
2 系统总体设计 3
2.1 设计目的 3
2.2 系统结构概述 3
3 系统选型 4
3.1 上位机系统 4
3.1.1 搭建平台 4
3.1.2 编程语言 4
3.1.3 模块功能实现 4
3.2 下位机系统 5
3.2.1 温湿度传感器 5
3.2.2 串口通信 5
3.2.3 单片机 6
4 上位机软件设计详述 7
4.1 前台程序 7
4.1.1 传感器类 7
4.1.2 设备类 9
4.2 模块程序 11
4.2.1 爬取模块 11
4.2.2 传感器读取模块 13
4.2.3 设备控制模块 14
5 下位机硬件和程序设计详述 15
5.1 下位机硬件 15
5.1.1 单片机晶振和复位电路 15
5.1.2 串口转换模块 16
5.1.3 温湿度传感器模块 16
5.2 下位机程序 17
6 上位机调试截图 19
总结 21
参考文献 22
鸣谢 23
附录:程序代码 24