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关键词:煤气检测  MQ5  报警  单片机

The Design Of Household Gas Leakage Alarm
With natural gas more widely applied to people's daily lives, more and more gas safety incidents follow. In order to keep the property as well as personal safety,an alarm device which can timely detect the gas leak is essential to each family. Especially for the elderly, families with children, it is essential to protect the safety of people in advance to detect gas leak.
Taking MQ5 semiconductor gas sensor and microcontroller core 51, we designed a device with detection, analysis and alarm as one of the intelligent gas leak alarm. It has many advantages such as stable performance, simple structure, low cost, simple operation, safe and reliable.
Adopted MQ5 gas sensor to get the data of gas concentration, and send the data to the microcontroller via the AD converter circuit,the microcontroller  handles the data and determine whether start the sound and light alarm module. To set the time and alarm threshold levels by clicking on the button.
Keywords:gas detect;MQ5;alarm;microcontroller


摘要    I
The Design Of Household Gas Leakage Alarm    II
第一章引言    1
1.1煤气泄露报警器的概述    1
1.2煤气泄漏报警器的现状    1
1.3已有报警器的优缺点    1
1.4设计思路    2
第二章硬件设计    3
2.1气体采集模块    3
2.1.1气敏传感器    4
2.1.2  A/D转换电路    5
2.2按键控制模块    6
2.3时钟模块    7
2.4单片机控制模块    8
2.4.1晶振电路    9
2.4.2复位电路    10
2.4.3上拉排阻    10
2.5显示模块    11
2.6声光报警模块(附带电磁阀)    12
2.6.1声报警系统    13
2.6.2光报警系统    13
2.6.3电磁阀和风扇    13
2.7 总结    13
第三章 软件设计    15
3.1主程序设计    15
3.2 AD转换模块程序设计    16
3.3显示模块程序设计    17
3.4按键模块程序设计    17
第四章 系统仿真与调试    19
4.1系统仿真    19
4.2仿真运行    20
4.3制作中遇到的问题    21
4.4实物图    22
总结    23
致谢    24
参考文献    25
附录    27
