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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D26704 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D26704
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摘  要
本文采用了自顶向下的设计方法,首先从整体上设计整个电路系统,然后将整个系统划分为各个模块,分布实现各模块的功能。论文详细介绍了出租车计价器设计各模块实现的原理,利用Quartus II对所设计的出租车计价器的代码进行仿真,并成功下载到实验板上,模拟了汽车启动、停止等状态,实现了出租车行驶按里程收费。
关键词: FPGA  自顶向下  出租车计价器

Design of taxi meter based on FPGA
    This essay introduces a design method of taxi pricing using FPGA chip.it describes the background of research and the purpose of the study.Then,it describes the present situation and working principle of FPGA.The characteristics of FPGA chip of Altera company are briefly introduced.This paper discusses the principle and function of the taxi billing system.This paper mainly expounds how to use the new EDA technology instead of the traditional single chip microcomputer.The use of FPGA programming, greatly shorten the development cycle of the program design, while the smaller the size of the meter is more convenient.
    In this paper, the top-down design method is used.First,it describes the overall design of the whole circuit system, and divides then the whole system into various modules to achieve the function of each module.Taximeter design of each module to achieve the principle are introduced in details in the paper , using Quartus II of the taxi valuation is code simulation, and successfully downloaded to the experiment board, the simulation of vehicle starting and stopping state, realize the taxi driving charge for mileage.
Key Words :FPGA; top-down; The taxi meter


目  录
摘 要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪 论    1
1.1课题研究背景及目的    1
1.2出租车计价器现状及发展趋势    1
1.3 本文主要工作    2
第二章  FPGA介绍    3
2.1 FPGA 现状    3
2.2 FPGA工作原理    3
2.3 硬件描述语言的介绍    4
2.4 Altera公司芯片特点    4
第三章 出租车计价器的设计    5
3.1  设计方案选择    5
3.1.1 出租车计价器的设计要求    5
3.1.2总体方案设计    5
3.1.3 设计思路    7
3.2出租车计价器设计    7
3.2.1出租车总方案设计    7
3.2.2 时钟分频模块    8
3.2.3按键消抖模块    8
3.2.4 矩阵键盘模块    10
3.2.5 矩阵键盘解析模块    12
3.2.6 控制模块    13
3.2.7计价模块    14
3.2.8 BCD码转换模块    15
3.2.9 数码管显示模块    16
3.2.10 总体设计    17
第四章 硬件电路仿真调试    20
4.1 Quartus II软件简介    20
4.2 开发板介绍    20
4.3功能仿真    21
4.3.1 分频模块仿真    21
4.3.2 计程模块仿真    21
4.3.3 计价模块仿真    22
4.3.4 整体模块仿真    22
4.4下载调试    22
第五章 总结与展望    26
5.1 总结    26
5.2 FPGA展望    26
参考文献    27
附录    28
致 谢    38
