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摘  要:此设计依据当代社会家电的使用情况和家电发展形势,来设计的更加智能安全的红外遥控智能电热水器。本次设计的硬件系统由单片机最小系统、水位检测电路、水温检测电路、红外遥控等电路共同组成。本文主要介绍了此次设计所应用到的芯片及其功能和特点以及系统设计方法。本设计所实现的功能主要是根据用户设置的温度、预约时间和水位检测来控制电热水器的加热和加水。当水位检测模块检测到水位低于最低水位时,系统加水,加热停止。水位到达最高时,加水加热功能停止。当温度检测模块检测到水温低于预设的下限温度时,系统加热。当水温到达上限温度时,系统停止加热。用户还可以设置预约时间来控制系统的开关。红外遥控模块能够进行远程控制,使操作更加便捷。本设计利用C语言来进行软件方面的设计,能够达到设计便捷、可靠性强等要求。通过使用者对键盘的操作和远程红外遥控来达到所要求的功能,大大地提高了热水器的智能化,便捷化。

The design of infrared remote control of intelligent electric water heater
Abstract: This design is based on the use of contemporary social appliances and the development of home appliances, to design a more intelligent and safe infrared remote control intelligent electric water heater. The design of the single-chip microcomputer control of electric water heater to realize intelligent analysis, using temperature sensors, water level sensors and relays to complete the design. This paper describes the design of the application of the chip features. The design of the function is mainly based on the user set the temperature, appointment time and water level detector position to control the electric water heater heating and water adding. When the water level detection module detects that the water level is below the minimum water level, the system adds water and the heating stops. When the water level reaches the maximum, the water heating function is stopped. When the temperature detection module detects that the water temperature is below the preset lower limit temperature, the system is heated. When the water temperature reaches the upper limit temperature, the system stops heating. Users can also set the appointment time to control the system switch. Infrared remote control module for remote control. The design of the use of C language to the software design, to achieve design convenience, reliability and other requirements. Through the user's operation of the keyboard and infrared remote control to achieve the required function, greatly improving the water heater intelligent and convenient.
Keywords: single-chip microcomputer, controller, intelligence, safety


目 录
1 绪论    2
1.1 选题的背景、目的及意义    2
1.2 国内外研究状况和成果    2
1.3实验要求和实验设计    3
1.3.1实验要求    3
1.3.2具体设计方案    3
2 硬件系统设计    4
2.1 方案验证    4
2.2 硬件系统设计    5
2.2.1温度检测电路    6
2.2.2水位检测模块    7
2.2.3 红外一体接收模块    7
2.2.4键盘接口电路    8
2.2.5 报警电路    9
2.2.6显示电路设计    9 1602液晶模块简介    9单片机与1062LCD接口电路设计    10
2.2.7 STC89C51功能特点介绍    11主要性能参数:    11 STC89C51单片机最小系统    12
3 软件系统设计    13
3.1 主程序流程框图    13
3.2 模块子程序    15
3.2.1温度工作主程序    15
3.2.2 按键工作程序    16
3.2.3 定时器工作程序    16
3.2.4红外解码定时器程序    16
4 结论    17
参考文献    18
致谢    19
附录1    20
