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Farm crop growth environment detection system based on STM 32
Abstract:Modern farm contains many scientific and technological elements,in order to meet thetechnical requirements of modern farm in terms of crop growth environment detection, this paper designs a farm crop growth environment detection system based on STM 32. This system consists of STM 32 single chip microcomputer, temperature and humidity sensor, light intensity sensor, ph value sensor, liquid crystal display and buzzer. Stm 32 single chip microcomputer is used to process the data obtained by the sensor, the temperature and humidity sensor is used to collect the temperature and humidity information in the farm, the light intensity sensor is used to collect the light intensity information in the farm, the ph value sensor is used to collect the soil ph value information, the liquid crystal display screen is used to display the temperature and humidity, light intensity and ph value data, and the buzzer is used to design the alarm system, thus constituting the farm crop growth environment detection system and realizing the detection of relevant parameters of crop growth.
Key words:STM32 single chip microcontroller;temperature and humidity detection,;light intensity detection; PH value detection


1引言    1
2系统总体方案    3
2.1 系统设计目标    3
2.2系统设计原则    3
2.2.1系统可靠性    3
2.2.2性价比    3
2.3方案论证与选择    3
2.3.1 单片机的论证与选择    4
2.3.2温湿度传感器的论证与选择    4
2.3.3光照强度传感器的选择    4
2.3.4酸碱度传感器的选择    5
2.4串口协议    5
2.4.1单总线协议    5
2.4.2I2C总线协议    5
2.5系统总体设计框图    6
2.6本章小结    6
3系统硬件设计    7
3.1单片机控制模块    7
3.2温湿度传感器模块    7
3.3光照强度传感器模块    8
3.4酸碱度传感器模块    8
3.5显示模块    8
3.6报警模块    9
3.7本章小结    9
4系统软件设计    10
4.1软件设计总框架    10
4.2单片机软件设计    10
4.3传感器程序设计    10
4.3.1温湿度传感器DHT11程序设计    10
4.3.2光照强度传感器BH1750程序设计    11
4.3.3酸碱度传感器程序设计    11
4.3.4液晶显示屏TFT-LCD程序设计    11
4.3.5蜂鸣器程序设计    11
4.4本章小结    11
5系统实验结果与分析    13
5.1硬件系统调试    13
5.2问题解决办法    15
6结论    17
参考文献    18
附录    19
致谢    20
