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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D26731 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D26731
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Design of Intelligent Access Control System
Abstract:In daily work and life, the demand for security protection and identity recognition is increasing day by day. It requires not only all kinds of identification and password verification, but also various anti-theft systems and security systems. With the rapid development of modern science and technology, traditional anti-theft system and security system have various defects. Security risks are increasing day by day. They are facing great challenges. Traditional identification and password authentication technologies need to be broken through. Therefore, the technology of identity recognition and password verification based on biometric recognition emerges as the times require. Biometric identification technology uses biological intrinsic physiological characteristics (DNA, face, iris, voice, fingerprint, etc.) to carry out identification through biotechnology and information technology. As one of the biological features, fingerprint features are unique, lifelong invariant, convenient and fast to verify. They are very suitable for the application of identity recognition and password verification. This design uses 51 single chip STC89C52 as the main control chip, LCD 1602 as the display, and uses serial communication mode to connect with fingerprint identification module FM-180. [20]The peripheral hardware circuit includes crystal oscillator module, voltage stabilization module, power terminal and key module. Through the combination of software and hardware, a fingerprint identification with fingerprint input, query and deletion functions is finally realized. System.
Keywords:Fingerprint Identification System, Fingerprint Identification Module FM-180, SCM STC89C52, LCD 1602


第一章绪论    5
1.1  研究的背景和意义    5
1.2  生物特征识别技术概要    5
1.3  指纹特征识别技术概要    6
1.4  本章小结    6
第二章设计方案    8
2.1  设计要求    8
2.2  设计方案    8
2.3  本章小结    8
第三章 硬件设计    9
3.1  主要元器件介绍    9
3.1.1    单片机选型    9
3.1.2    指纹模块    9
3.1.3    液晶显示    10
3.2  电路设计    13
3.2.1    最小系统    13
3.2.2    液晶显示电路    13
3.2.3    指纹通讯电路    14
3.2.4    电源端子(开关)电路    15
3.2.5    稳压电路    15
3.2.6    按键电路    16
3.3  原理图设计    17
3.4本章小结    17
第四章软件设计    18
4.1  系统概述    18
4.2  软件功能    18
4.3软件功能实现过程    18
4.4本章小结    20
第五章系统调试    21
5.1  功能调试    21
5.2  成品展示    22
5.3  本章小结    23
第六章总结    24
参考文献    25
致谢    26
