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Chaotic digital image encryption and its performance analysis
With the rapid development of Internet technology, multimedia applications are becoming more and more widespread. Digital images play an important role in the field of multimedia information. Digital images can convey intuitively rich information. The Internet is an open platform. Transmitting digital images on the Internet is vulnerable to security problems such as tampering and theft. In the increasingly prominent situation of Internet security threats, the most direct and effective method for securing digital images in network transmission is to encrypt digital images.
This article is mainly divided into three parts:
The first part mainly studies related theories, including chaos theory, cryptography theory, image encryption scrambling algorithm and diffusion algorithm, performance evaluation method of chaotic digital image cryptography system. Using Matlab, the image was scrambled and column scrambled to achieve a typical image encryption.
The second part first introduces a typical chaotic image encryption system. Considering that the password of a typical image cryptosystem is only related to the key, it has nothing to do with plaintext and is vulnerable to the choice of plaintext attack or known plaintext attack. After referring to the traditional plaintext association encryption algorithm that is related to both the key and the plaintext image, this paper uses the plaintext-independent diffusion algorithm and the plaintext associated scrambling algorithm, and uses piecewise linear in the chaotic cipher generator. The chaotic map (PWLCM) replaces the traditional hyperchaotic Lorenz system mapping, and a new piecewise linear mapping-based plaintext relational chaotic image cryptosystem is constructed. The algorithm is used to encrypt and decrypt images using Matlab simulation.
The third part uses Matlab software to test the algorithm's encryption and decryption speed, key space, and information entropy first, and then tests the statistical characteristics of the ciphertext from the histogram, c2 test results, and correlation coefficients, and then passes Gaussian, salt and pepper, and The attack was cropped, and the NPCR, UACI and BACI values were analyzed and calculated. The key sensitivity, the plaintext sensitivity and the ciphertext sensitivity of the algorithm were tested. The results show that the algorithm has fast encryption and decryption speed, large key space, close to ideal information entropy, good ciphertext statistics, strong key sensitivity, plaintext sensitivity, and ciphertext sensitivity. The algorithm has good performance and can resist various attacks.
Key words: Chaos; Digital Image Encryption; Plaintext Correlation; Security Performance


目 录
1 绪论    1
1.1课题研究背景与意义    1
1.2国内外研究状况    1
1.3本文研究的主要内容    2
2 混沌密码与混沌图像加密技术基础    2
2.1混沌理论    2
2.1.1混沌定义    2
2.1.2混沌系统的相关特性    3
2.2混沌密码理论    4
2.2.1混沌密码基本概念    4
2.2.2加密系统结构    4
2.2.3密码分析攻击分类    5
2.2.4混沌理论与密码学之间的关系    5
2.3图像加密相关知识    6
2.3.1图像加密概念    6
2.3.2基于混沌的图像加密技术    6
2.4图像加密置乱算法和扩散算法基本理论    7
2.4.1图像加密置乱算法    7
2.4.2图像加密扩散算法    8
2.5混沌加密性能评价指标    9
2.5.1图像加密/解密速度    9
2.5.2密匙空间    10
2.5.3密文统计特性    10
2.5.4图像分析    10
2.5.5信息熵    11
2.6图像密码系统的敏感性分析方法    11
2.6.1密钥敏感性分析    12
2.6.2明文敏感性分析    12
2.6.3密文敏感性分析    12
3 明文关联混沌图像密码系统构建及其Matlab仿真    13
3.1典型混沌图像加密系统    13
3.2一种基于分段线性映射的明文关联混沌图像密码系统    14
3.3该系统的图像加密与解密方案    14
3.3.1混沌密码发生器    15
3.3.2明文无关的前向扩散模块    15
3.3.3明文关联的置乱模块    15
3.3.4明文无关的后向扩散模块    16
3.4Matlab仿真过程与结果    16
4 明文关联的混沌图像密码系统性能测试    18
4.1加密与解密速度测试    18
4.2密钥空间测试    18
4.3信息熵测试    19
4.4密文统计特性测试    19
4.5密钥敏感性测试    22
4.6明文敏感性测试    24
4.7密文敏感性测试    26
4.8明文关联置乱图像密码系统性能评价    28
5 总结与展望    28
5.1总结    28
5.2展望    28
参考文献    29
致谢    30
附录    31
