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The Design ofPulse High Current Measurement System
Abstract:Pulsehigh current measurement technology is an important part of the field of pulse power technology, and in the defense, industrial, medical and other fields of application is very extensive. In this paper, based on the theory of Roche coil, a large pulse current measurement system is designed. The whole system includes pulse generator, Roche coil, integral circuit and oscilloscope. Aiming at the problem of measurement system detection error, the integral circuit is designed to increase the system bandwidth, and the impedance matching problem of the measurement system is studied. The final test results show that the designed system meets the measurement requirements.
Key words: pulse measurement; Roche coil; integral circuit; impedance matching

目 录
摘要 I
1引言 1
2脉冲电流的测量方法 2
2.1 分流器法 2
2.2 霍尔元件法 3
2.3 罗氏线圈法 3
3罗氏线圈的设计 4
3.1线圈结构分析 4
3.2 等效电路分析 6
3.3罗氏线圈的性能分析 8
3.3.1线圈的静态特性分析 8
3.3.2 线圈的动态特性分析 10
3.3.3 罗氏线圈分布电容的分析 13
3.4罗氏线圈的制作 14
4积分电路的设计 15
4.1罗氏线圈自积分工作方式 15
4.2罗氏线圈外积分工作方式 17
4.3两种积分电路的比较 18
5试验与分析 18
5.1阻抗匹配分析 20
5.2 测量误差分析及改良方法 21
5.2.1热力学对罗氏线圈的影响 21
5.2.2外界磁场对罗氏线圈检测性能的干扰 21
5.2.3绕线重叠造成的误差 22
5.2.4改良方法 23
6结论 23
参考文献 23
致 谢 25