摘 要
关键词:无线传感网络 ZigBee 温度采集系统 温度传感器
Design of Temperature Acquisition System Based on ZigBee Wireless Sensor Networks
As technology advances, the traditional wiring of networks increasingly showing its limitations. So, people pay more and more attention to the wireless sensor networks. Among them, ZigBee technology is widely used in national defense, industry, agriculture areas because of the advantages of low power, low cost and self-organization. ZigBee technology has become a leading technology in monitoring, and temperature data collection is a very basic and important requirement. take it as a starting point to design a temperature acquisition system based on ZigBee wireless sensor networks.
Firstly, this article plan and design temperature acquisition system for the overall. It is mainly based on the principle of ZigBee wireless communication protocol, ZigBee network coordinator nodes and ZigBee end nodes to construct a simple star network topology, and then designs the coordinator nodes and the terminal nodes hardware and software. Hardware part, chip CC2530are selected as the main chip of the coordinator nodes and the end nodes. The end node collects temperature data by sensor device and transmits them to the coordinator node wirelessly. Then the coordinator node processes them and sends them to the computer. Software part, this article successfully configured the Z-stack and prepared temperature data acquisition program. The collection and transmission of temperature data was finished ultimately.
The design of temperature acquisition system is not only simple and easy, but also transmits in timely, effectively and safely. It builds a solid foundation on practical application in the monitoring laid of ZigBee technology. It also provides some ideas and reference for future extensions.
Key Words: Wireless sensor networks; ZigBee; Temperature acquisition system; Temperature sensor

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 论文研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本文结构及内容 2
第二章 ZigBee无线传感器网络技术研究 4
2.1 几种无线通信技术比较 4
2.2 ZigBee网络结构 4
2.3 ZigBee协议架构 6
2.3.1 物理层 7
2.3.2 MAC层 8
2.3.3 网络层 8
2.3.4 应用层 9
2.4 本章小结 9
第三章 无线传感器网络的硬件设计 10
3.1 系统硬件选择 10
3.1.1 主芯片选择 10
3.1.2 温度传感器选择 10
3.2 系统硬件介绍 11
3.2.1 CC2530 11
3.2.2 DS18B20 15
3.3 本章小结 18
第四章 无线传感器网络的软件设计 19
4.1 软件设计总体思路 19
4.1.1 实验原理 19
4.1.2 主程序流程图 19
4.2 协调器设计 20
4.2.1 协调器流程图 20
4.2.2 协调器编程 21
4.3 终端节点设计 22
4.3.1 终端节点流程图 22
4.3.2 终端节点编程 22
4.4 本章小结 23
第五章 系统测试与分析 24
5.1 系统总体设计 24
5.2 系统功能测试 24
5.2.1 IAR开发平台介绍 24
5.2.2 测试平台搭建 25
5.2.3 ZigBee组网测试 26
5.2.4 温度采集测试 27
5.4 本章小结 28
第六章 总结和展望 29
6.1 总结 29
6.2 进一步工作 29
参考文献 31
致 谢 33