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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D26848 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D26848
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关键词: 逆变器,SPWM,数字信号处理器,数字化控制

Research and design of single phase full bridge inverter based on SPWM Technology
Inverters from birth to a long period of time, both use analog and open-loop control mode. Because of the simple circuit and low cost, the distortion of the output waveform is very serious, system delay is too high, once the load change in a second, it will lead to dramatic changes in output voltage, and it waiting a long time, the voltage achieve stability, and the input voltage will also affect the output voltage stable. Such a significant drawback determines that open-loop control can only be used in the environment of poor power stability. But in practice, there are many places for the power quality of higher requirements, in this case the best closed-loop control approach.
At present, the inverter power supply is more and more common in people's production and life, especially the high performance digital signal processor is widely used, the inverter power has been able to achieve the digital control. From the point of view of hardware structure, although the digital control of the inverter hardware composition is very simple, but its stability is very prominent. More important is, in support of the advanced control algorithm, which has the ability of real-time control.
In this paper, the digital control of single-phase inverter system is studied. The key parts of the system's control is PIC16F716. Through the study of the system, effectively improve the inverter output performance and stability.
In this paper, we first introduce the digital control of inverter in the practice application advantages, and then expounds the digital inverter control scheme, of single-phase SPWM full bridge inverter control technology and the realization of the way to analyze, based on rational design of single-phase full bridge inverter and simulation and verification.
In this paper, the inverter digital control system as the processor is used as the PIC16F716, and the theoretical and experimental requirements of the system are analyzed in depth.. Combined with the results of the analysis, the hardware platform of the system is designed, such as digital master chip, driving circuit, boost circuit, inverter circuit, etc.
Article finally a detailed introduction to the software flow chart of the control system to accomplish, and gives the control idea, and discusses respectively the subprogram flow chart of the operation and performance of the system in two aspects of correctness and effectiveness are verified.
Keywords: inverter, SPWM, DSP, digital control


第一章 绪论    1
1.1 课题选题背景及意义    1
1.2逆变系统概述    3
1.3 现代逆变技术分类及发展趋势    3
1.4 本文的研究内容    4
1.5 小结    4
第二章  逆变器工作原理    5
2.1 SPWM控制技术    5
2.1.1 SPWM控制的基本原理    5
2.1.2 SPWM型逆变电路的调制方式    6
2.1.3 SPWM驱动脉冲的实现方法    8
2.2 小结    9
第三章  系统硬件电路设计    10
3.1系统总体设计方案    10
3.2单元电路设计    10
3.2.1 单片机系统    10
3.2.2 驱动电路    11
3.2.3 升压电路    14
3.2.4 逆变电路    16
3.3小结    16
第四章 逆变器软件设计    17
4.1系统软件总体结构    17
4.2系统子程序流程    19
4.2.1 初始化程序    19
4.2.2 中断程序    20
4.2.3 SPWM波型输出程序    21
4.3小结    23
第五章 实验测试及分析    24
5.1 电路板    24
5.2实验测试    24
5.2 MATLAB仿真及分析比较    25
5.3 小结    27
结语    28
参考文献    29
致谢    33
附录1:主控板电路图    34
