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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D26857 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D26857
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摘  要

 With the development of national economy and improvement of people's living standard, awareness of environmental problems and their possible health risks are increasingly put more attention. Especially indoor air quality which is closely related to the daily life became the focus of attention. This study is on an indoor air quality testing system, capable of real-time monitoring of indoor formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, oxygen ,temperature and humidity. When the concentration of harmful gas exceeds the standard,it will alert people to take timely and appropriate measures in time.
Indoor air quality testing system uses ultra-low-power chip AT89S52 as the control chip, electrochemical 4OXV and semiconductor resistive MQ-7, MQ-138 as the sensor sensing element. It uses LCD1602 dot matrix as LCD display,with a good man-machine dialog interface and equips with both sound and light alarm module which can perform real-time display of gas concentration and excessive indoor warning. The system also designs the pre-filter amplifier circuit, and the weak signal of the sensor output is amplified and processed by analog to digital converter AD0809,which can reduce measurement error. Therefore,the indoor air quality testing system has good accuracy, simple structure, excellent performance, for general indoor air testing, to protect people's health and safety.
Key words:indoor air quality;AT89S52 chip;sensor;LCD display


目  录
第1章 绪论    1
1.1研究背景与意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.3本文的主要工作    2
第2章 室内空气质量检测总体设计    3
2.1室内空气质量检测的指标    3
2.2室内空气质量检测的方案    4
第3章 系统硬件电路设计    5
3.1 AT89S52单片机简介    5
3.1.1 AT89S52主要性能参数    5
3.1.2 AT89S52引脚功能    5
3.2传感器检测电路设计    6
3.2.1气体传感器    6
3.2.2温湿度传感器    10
3.3前级滤波放大电路设计    12
3.4信号转换电路设计    13
3.5电源及复位电路设计    14
3.6按键电路设计    15
3.7液晶显示电路设计    15
3.8声光报警电路设计    17
第4章 系统软件电路设计    18
4.1系统软件设计思路    18
4.1.1编程语言的选择    18
4.1.2软件功能需求    18
4.2软件模块设计    19
4.2.1主程序模块    19
4.2.2 AD转换模块    21
4.2.3液晶显示模块    22
4.2.4声光报警模块    22
第5章 仿真调试    23
5.1显示电路调试    23
5.2键盘电路以及气体检测电路调试    23
5.3温湿度测量电路调试    24
5.4声光报警电路调试    26
结  论    27
致  谢    28
参考文献    29
附  录    30
