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The design of Microwave Dual-Band Adjustable Absorber
Abstract: Metamaterials is a new kind of man-made materials,which have many exotic electromagnetic characteristics such as negative index of refraction,perfect lens etc.Absorbers based on metamaterials realizing a perfect absorption of the incident electromagnetic wave, have widely attracted attention of researchers. To date,most of absorbers have high absorption.But they mostly work in single-band and the receiving band is narrow.Their applications are limited in spectrum detecting and phase imaging etc.So we design dual-band adjustable absorber in microwave.Firstly,the low and high frequency of single-band absorbers are designed respectively. Then dual-band absorber is consisted of nested single-band SRR in microwave. Secondly, We   add varactor in split-wire so that the resonance frequency of absorber is adjustable in microwave.The results of simulation show that absorber consisted by nested SRR can maintain its independent resonant frequency and absorption.Besides,the resonance frequency of dual-band absorber is a linear combination of  single-band absorbers.
Key words: metamaterial;absorber;dual-band;microwave


目 录
1 绪论    1
1.1 电磁超材料    1
1.2 电磁吸波器件    1
1.3 新型超材料吸波器    1
1.4 本文研究内容    3
2 微波单波段电可调超材料吸波器    4
2.1 引言    4
2.2 微波低频单波段超材料吸波器    4
2.2.1 结构设计    4
2.2.2 参数分析和优化    5
2.3 微波高频单波段超材料吸波器    11
2.3.1 结构设计与仿真    11
2.3.2 吸波器结构参数分析与优化    12
2.4 吸波器的吸波原理分析    16
2.5 本章小结    17
3 微波双波段电可调的超材料吸波器    18
3.1 引言    18
3.2 微波双波段超材料吸波器    18
3.2.1 结构设计    18
3.2.2 参数分析    20
3.3双波段电可调超材料吸波器    26
3.4 吸波原理和损耗分析    28
3.5本章小结    30
4 总结和展望    31
参考文献:    32
致谢    33
