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Reversing anti-collision interaction system
Abstract: With the rapid advancement of society, people's consumption level also increased every year. Especially in the transport sector, purchases of cars is also rising year by year, cars bring convenience to people at the same time, the attendant also led to a variety of problems, such as columns, automobile congestion, drunk driving and so on. The car crash congestion can bring butt, hit, etc, leading to casualties and property losses. The car crash sensing system design is designed for this situation.
     The core of this design is MSP430F149 monolithic integrated which is the main control component . The car away from the obstacle of distance is obtained by ultrasonic module . The distance can be displayed through the 12864display screen. When the small car away from the obstacle of distance is less than the safe distance ,the alarm .Then we control the small by keyboard.
Key word: MSP430F149 monolithic integrated; ultrasonic wave modules;12864display screen;the alarm modules; small car


目 录
1绪论    1
1.1论文背景    1
1.2系统的主要功能介绍    2
2系统总体设计    3
2.1系统总体设计框图    3
2.2设计思路    4
3硬件电路的设计    6
3.1MSP430F149主控芯片    6
3.1.1主控芯片的简介    6
3.1.2最小系统    7
3.2超声波测距模块    9
3.2.1设计的任务    9
3.2.2超声波测距的基本原理    9
3.2.3 HC-SR04超声波模块的原理与使用    10
3.3小车驱动模块设计    12
3.3.1设计要求    12
3.3.2L298N电机驱动模块的简介    12
3.3.3 驱动电路的设计    14
3.4 显示单元    15
3.5报警模块    17
3.6矩阵键盘    17
4系统软件设计    19
4.1 测距单元软件设计    19
4.1.1 软件设计    19
4.1.2 误差软件修正    20
4.2 驱动调速单元软件设计    20
4.2.1 PWM调速的软件实现    20
5总结与展望    22
5.1 设计技术上的优缺点    22
5.2 发展趋势    22
结束语    23
参考文献    24
致谢    25
