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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D27806 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D27806
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摘 要
关键词:FPGA  Basys3  vivado  verilog  PS/2键盘

The design of perform system based on FPGA
The design of an electronic piano based on FPGA is presented in this paper.The design uses keys of  a PS/2 keyboard as piano keys and uses basys3 dip switches to select appropriate control function.  There are  three modes  to be choosed in this system:manually play mode,  auto play mode,  recording and playback  mode. In manually play mode,  when you press the key on the keyboard, the buzzer will play the sound of corresponding notes.In the auto play mode, notes stored in advance will be played automatically . In the recording and playback  mode,  musical  notes of pressed keys  will be recorded if the recording switch be  enabled, and all the notes storaged will be  playbacked if  the playback  switch  be enabled.The design  is implemented on the software platform vivado and hardware platform basys3 , and the main  modules  will be  simulated. The main methods  used  in the design is the numerical control frequency technology and the idea of note coding. Additionally, this design  take  advantage  of  verilog  language’s  concurrent  execution  and FPGA’s  ( Field-Programmable  Gate  Array)  top-down  engineering  design method ,which greatly improves the design efficiency.
Key Words: FPGA;Basys3;vivado;verilog;PS/2 keyboard


目  录
摘 要    II
第一章  引言    1
1.1 研究背景及国内外研究现状    1
1.2 研究意义及前景    2
1.3 软硬件平台介绍    2
1.3.1 软件平台vivado    2
1.3.2 硬件平台basys3    2
1.4 研究思路和技术方法    4
第二章  设计目标及思路    5
2.1 设计目标    5
2.2 设计框图    6
2.3 硬件描述    6
2.3.1键盘    6
2.3.2蜂鸣器    9
2.4 各模块的功能描述及详细设计    10
2.4.1 时钟模块(clkdiv)    12
2.4.2 控制模块(controll)    16
2.4.3 键盘模块(keyboard)    17
2.4.4 弹奏模块(play)    22
2.4.5 自动播放模块(autoplay)    24
2.4.6 录音与回放模块(music_store)    27
2.4.7 音符编码选择模块(select)    36
2.4.8 扬声器模块(speaker_driver)    37
2.5 整体框图    40
第三章 系统调试    40
3.1 设计结果    40
3.2 调试中遇到的问题及解决方案    41
3.2.1 如何实现键盘按键按下弹起后扬声器不再发出响声    41
3.2 如何解决重复几次存储与回放后回放存储内容不一致的问题    42
3.3 存储与回放模块中的电路设计规范问题    51
结语    54
参考文献    55
致谢    57
附录    57
