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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D27829 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D27829
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关键词:嵌入式Linux系统  智能家居  Zigbee  S3C2440

Design of embedded smart home control system based on ARM-Zigbee
    Nowadays our society is an information society. Along with our society keeping progressing and developing, people's pursuit of life is getting higher and higher. The traditional home is a simple living environment, which has been less adapted to the development of today's society. Smart home system has optimized the home environment for people. It brings more convenient, comfortable, efficient intelligent way of life to people. It also can make people's home life become comfortable, security and intelligence.
    This paper describes the status of the development of home and designs a smart home control system, which solves the traditional home disadvantages of system wiring trouble, the system of poor scalability, high cost.
    The gateway server is built on the S3C2440 SAMSUNG, connnecting to home network by home router. The Zigbee coordinator connects to RS232 on S3C2440 serial port. In the software part, the embedded Linux operating system is on the S3C2440, and the server is built on it. The Zigbee coordinator node and the Zigbee routing node is based on the platform of the TI company. Users can use Android mobile phone connecting home LAN by the WiFi, and open the APP. Users send control commands and information inquiry to the gateway server to achieve the desired effect. After the test: The system reached the aim of the intelligent control of the home terminal equipment. The system has the advantages of low cost, simple operation and strong expansibility.
    Key:Embedded Linux System; Smart Home; Zigbee:S3C2440


摘要    I
abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 智能家居发展概述    1
1.2研究的背景与意义    1
1.3 课题研究的内容和安排    2
第二章 智能家居系统的总体设计    3
2.1智能家居系统的总体设计    3
2.2 Zigbee技术选择    4
2.2.1 Zigbee技术特点    4
2.2.2 Zigbee技术与其他无线技术的比较    4
2.3 无线通信技术    5
第三章 智能家居系统的硬件介绍    6
3.1 主控制板的介绍    6
3.1.1 主控制板的硬件资源    6
3.2 Zigbee模块电路介绍    7
3.3 功能模块介绍    8
3.3.1 灯光控制模块    8
3.3.2 视频监视模块    9
第四章 智能家居系统的软件设计    10
4.1软件系统总体框架    10
4.2 嵌入式Linux系统移植    10
4.2.1 U-boot移植    11
4.2.2 内核制作    12
4.3 智能家居网关服务器设计    15
4.3.1服务器程序开始提示模块    16
4.3.2服务器程序连接模块    16
4.3.3服务器程序命令处理模块    18
4.3.4服务器程序视频发送模块    19
4.3.5服务器程序与Zigbee协调器通信模块    19
4.4 智能家居控制客户端设计    19
4.4.1 客户端程序登录模块    20
4.4.2 客户端程序连接服务器模块    21
4.4.3 客户端程序命令发送和接收模块    22
4.4.4 客户端程序视频接收部分    22
4.5 Zigbee模块程序设计    23
4.5.1 Zigbee协调器程序设计    23
4.5.2 Zigbee路由器程序设计    24
第五章 系统调试与运行    25
5.1 家庭网络的建立    25
5.2 功能测试    26
第六章 总结与展望    29
6.1 总结    29
6.2 展望    29
参考文献    30
