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摘  要
关键词:ATmega328  W5100  传感器  液晶屏
Simple household system design——Room temperature humidity monitoring and control of light
With the improvement of science and technology, people's material life level enhancement, more and more is also high to the requirement of household environment, the home control system can provide intelligent control scheme for household, make household control more convenient, more efficient, more for family daily activities to save unnecessary energy consumption. And in this pay attention to the world of green environmental protection, intelligent control for residents of good air humidity, temperature, etc.
This article first of the smart home system development background, significance, current status and development trend of the future, be the brief introduction to the working principle of smart home system. Simple household solutions of the control system is proposed in this paper, detailed discusses the principle, system composition and the realization of ATmega328 as master microprocessors, using the network module W5100 for network information transmission, set up network in sina cloud cloud server, WeChat public issue of the background and cloud server connection, realize the mobile terminal to communicate with simple home control system using WeChat platform. Household environment with temperature and humidity sensors to collect information, the display module displays the current indoor temperature and humidity, the system can use the phone WeChat remote control switch of led lights and household equipment, monitoring the temperature and humidity in the home, and have the function of temperature and humidity alarm.
After testing, the system function has reached the requirement of the design.
Key words: ATmega328; W5100; The sensor;LCD


摘  要    I
Abstract    II
目录    III
第一章:绪论    1
1.1课题背景及意义    1
1.2课题目前状况以及未来发展趋势    1
1.3课题设计所需的理论知识    1
1.4论文结构    2
第二章 系统设计概述    3
2.1系统的要求    3
2.2系统的方案选择    3
2.2.1 温湿度测量方案    3
2.2.2 系统显示方案    4
2.2.3 网络模块方案    5
2.2.4 移动终端方案    5
2.2.5 服务器方案    6
2.2.6 报警电路方案    6
第三章 硬件电路设计    8
3.1系统硬件总框图    8
3.2单片机最小系统    8
3.2.1 时钟电路    9
3.2.2 复位电路    10
3.3温湿度测量模块    10
3.4网络模块    11
3.5系统显示模块    13
3.6设备控制电路    15
3.7报警电路    16
3.8服务器    16
3.9硬件总原理图    18
第四章 软件系统设计    19
4.1 DHT11 采集温度与湿度编程流程    19
4.2 LCD1602流程图编程流程    20
4.3单片机总程序    21
4.4网络端后台服务器的搭建    22
第五章 系统调试    24
5.1软件调试    24
5.2硬件调试    26
参考文献    29
致 谢    30
附录一:系统原理图    31
附录二:元器件清单    32
附录三:源代码    33
