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摘 要:委婉语是语言交际中的“润滑剂”;合作原则和礼貌原则是言语交际中交际双方应该遵守的最基本的原则。虽然委婉语的使用违反了“合作原则”,却遵循了“礼貌原则”,因此委婉语的语用特点是在礼貌原则指导下的有意不合作。
English Euphemism: Intentional Non-cooperation under the Perspective of Politeness Principle
Abstract: In language communication, euphemism is a lubricant, whereas Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle are the essential principles that both communicative participants should obey. Though the use of euphemism sins against Cooperative Principle, it observes Politeness Principle. Thus, the pragmatic characteristic of euphemism is the intentional non-cooperation under the perspective of Politeness Principle.
Key words: Euphemism; Cooperative Principle; Politeness Principle