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摘 要:本文通过对长沙市购房群体进行问卷调查以及沟通交流,获取了长沙市购房群体整体特征状况,得出了其中存在的“刚需”群体的购房现状、特征、意愿以及最强“刚需”结构组成,并发现了这类人群有着最基本、最强烈的住房需求,为政府部门合理制定房产政策,完善监管机制提供更为准确的参考和建议。
The analysis of real estate market "rigid demand "groups - A Case Study of Changsha City
Abstract: The thesis is based on the communication and questionnaires of buyer groups in Changsha, access to the global features of Changsha state buyers groups, which obtained the existence of characteristics, will, and the strongest, "rigid demand "structural components in" rigid demand " status of groups of buyers, , and discovered the group with the most basic and strong demand for housing, for government departments to develop a reasonable housing policy, improve the monitoring mechanism to provide more accurate information and recommendations.
Key words:rigid demand;real estate;purchase;Changsha