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关键词:海关绩效 政府部门 绩效评价 指标体系

Abstract:government departments, more and more hot social concern, the customs department as an important link in the government department, its performance evaluation also need to carefully consider, in the constant change of the social system in our country, the choice of the reasonable design, as soon as possible, as soon as possible the establishment of perfect customs performance indicators system is a key step. Design a efficient performance evaluation system for the customs related to the customs department more long-term development. This article chose the performance evaluation of government performance is quite representative in the customs problems as main research object, based on the status of the customs performance mechanism in-depth research, and introduces the basic theory of performance evaluation for the customs related, help to better understand this article. At the same time, according to the characteristics of the performance evaluation of the customs system design the performance evaluation system for the customs, using a combination of general and individual study ", "combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, and made improvements on the basis of the basic research route, to promote the further standardization of customs system and idealized. And performance evaluation index system of XX customs instance analysis, hoping to give corresponding mechanism of customs performance in our country help and inspiration.

Keywords: the performance evaluation  government departments  the index system  the customs

目    录
第1章    引言    2
1.1  项目研究的背景    2
1.2  项目研究的意义    3
1.3  国内外研究现状    5
1.3.1  国内研究现状    5
1.3.2  国外研究现状    6
1.4  海关开展绩效评价体制机制建设的背景    6
1.4.1  环境趋严    6
1.4.2  制度缺位    6
1.4.3  管理隐患    7
1.4.4  手段滞后    7
1.5  研究方法与创新之处    7
第2章    海绩效评价以及绩效评价指标的基本理论    8
2.1  海关绩效评价以及绩效评价指标的概念    8
2.2  以评价指标为中心的海关绩效评价的作用    9
2.2.1  “体检”作用,是海关系统的体检中心    6
2.2.2  “预警”系统,是预警系统    6
2.2.3  指挥作用,是指挥平台    7
2.3  海关绩效评价以及绩效评价指标设计的原则    10
2.3.1  海关绩效评价的原则    6
2.3.2  绩效评价指标设计的原则    6
2.4  海关绩效评价的主体    12
2.5  海关绩效评价的内容    12
2.5.1  业务类工作评价内容    12
2.5.2  非业务类工作评价内容    12
第3章    当前以绩效评价指标为中心的海关绩效评价现状、存在的问题以及原因分析    17
3.1  以绩效评价指标为中心的海关绩效评价现状    17
3.1.1  围绕主要业务职能的绩体效评价指标体系基本建立    17
3.1.2  非业务领域也在对绩效评价以及评价指标问题进行积极探索    17
3.1.3  以H海关通关作业无纸化改革工作为例说明绩效评价工作所取得实效    18
3.2  海关绩效评价存在的问题    20
3.2.1  绩效评价工作的开展各自为政,评价指标出处不一    20
3.2.2  数据来源多样,口径不一,程序各异,盲目追求“大而全”    21
3.2.3  评价定位不准确,评价目标不清晰,唯指标论    22
3.3  针对问题的原因分析    23
3.3.1  观念尚未彻底转变    23
3.3.2  急功近利的思想作怪    23
3.3.3  框架尚不健全    23
第4章   海关绩效评价的指标体系    24
4.1  设计思路    24
4.2  海关绩效评价指标体系的构建    24
4.2.1  对于海关的职能以及目标进行清晰判定    25
4.2.1  建设科学化评价指标    25
4.3  绩效评价指标体系中权重的确定    26
4.4  海关绩效评价的依据    29
4.5.1  计划标准    30
4.5.2  行业标准    31
4.5.3  历史标准    31
4.5.4  经验标准    31
第5章    海关绩效评价应用案例    32
5.1   XX海关简介    32
5.2   绩效评价指标体系的设立    33
5.2.1   确定监管层面的绩效综合评价指标    33
5.2.2   确定征税层面的绩效综合评价指标    33
5.2.3   确定反走私层面的绩效综合评价指标    34
5.2.4   确定统计评比层面的绩效综合评价指标    35
5.3 绩效评价指标体系中权重的确定    35
5.3.1  一级指标的权重确定    35
5.3.2  二级指标的权重确定    35
5.3.3  三级指标的权重确定    36
5.4   对XX海关的综合评价    36
