Design of Room Monitoring System for Campus Network
关键词:校园网络;机房监控; S3C2440
As science and technology continues to in-depth development, various human production activities as well as academic activities are inseparable from the development of computer and information technology. Computer network plays a very important role in people's lives. In the development of information systems and information exchange network information plays an important and critical role in the actual production work. The room as a whole, the information processing center related to the safety and stable operation of the entire management system. Room for the safe operation of environmental equipment room provides a strong hardware protection. Room environment there is room equipment includes power supply and distribution equipment, room USP uninterruptible power supply unit, the air conditioning system and the engine room and so on the various safety devices, these devices are the basis for the stable operation of the system and existing. When the room once the data security failure, it will seriously affect the stability of operation of the entire computer system, this will cause a certain extent, the system of data transmission difficulties, when the system is a more serious failure, will cause the entire room interior computer equipment appears scrapped, to the entire data center will result in more serious consequences, so developers can design a campus network room monitoring system will be very necessary and of great significance.
The main topic is the engine room monitoring system design campus network as an example, analyzes the current engine room monitoring system exists in a variety of shortcomings and deficiencies, first introduced engine room monitoring system describes the basic theories, including the theory of the monitoring center software presentation system and hardware theoretical system room monitoring system. On this basis, the database storage technology theoretical research, using S3C2440 control module and GPS module hardware platform throughout the system was constructed through NMEA protocol support software services framework. Subsequently, the software part of the campus network room monitoring system has been designed, constructed system software design diagram, build the software development environment, GPS timing module is fully designed as a protocol designed for the client's display windows. Finally, on the campus network room monitoring system debugging, including some hardware debugging and software debugging, after debugging show that the developed campus network room monitoring system has a good effect, for the colleges and universities provide a good Effective engine room monitoring system has very important significance
KEYWORDS:Campus network; Computer room monitoring; S3C2440

摘要 iii
序言 vi
1 引言 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1国内研究现状 2
1.2.2国外研究现状 3
1.3主要工作和采用的方法 4
1.4预期达到的目标 5
1.5 论文章节安排 5
2基础理论及系统硬件设计 6
2.1 机房监控系统结构基本理论 6
2.1.1 监控中心软件理论体系结构 6
2.1.2 机房监控系统理论介绍 7
2.2 数据存储技术理论基础 8
2.2.1 ini 文本数据 8
2.2.2 ADO.NET 数据访问 8
2.3 机房监控系统整体结构 9
2.4 S3C2440控制模块 10
2.5 GPS模块 11
2.5.1 GPS NTP授时服务框架 12
2.5.2 NMEA协议介绍 13
2.6 gprs报警模块 14
3 校园网络机房监控系统软件设计 17
3.1系统软件设计框图 17
3.1.1 Linux端 17
3.1.2 Windows端 19
3.2搭建软件开发环境 20
3.2.1安装vm ware(可选) 20
3.2.2安装ubuntu 20
3.2.3在ubuntu中安装交叉编译工具 21
3.3 gps授时模块的设计 25
3.3.3搭建GPSD服务 25
3.3.4 NTP协议及NTP实现 28
3.3.5 搭建并配置Gps+Ntp Server 30
3.4 windows客户端显示 33
3.4.1软件框图 33
3.4.2 C#语言介绍 34
3.4.3 socket介绍 36
3.4.4 图像接收及显示部分实现源码 41
3.5 GPRS告警模块 43
3.5.1告警模块软件框图 43
3.5.2 AT指令简介 44
3.5.3和短消息有关的 AT指令集 45
3.5.4短信发送部分源码(c语言实现) 46
3.5.5 UNICODE编码的转换 47
4校园网络机房监控系统调试 49
4.1硬件调试 49
4.2软件调试 50
4.2.1服务端采集程序 50
4.2.2客户端显示程序 53
5结论与展望 55
5.1总结 55
5.2展望 56
参考文献 57