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 The study concerned Handel British life experiences which impact on his creative style of oratorios and masques. It also analyzed Handel’s English works by visiting and researching to summarize its composing style. From this, to find out the Handel’s great contribution to the British cause of oratorios and masques so as to promote sustainable development of the researches about Handel.
  The creation of Handel's English oratorios and masques is unique and dramatic, focusing on the character’s features and personality traits. It is a perfect blend of the music and the performance, with a strong artistic appeal. The Works are full with a full-tasting musical characteristics of the Baroque era, coupled with his British experience and composing, eventually forming a unique and theatrical charm. However, due to the limitations of language and information in the domestic area, Handel's English oratorios and masques have not been widely studied and researched. Fortunate to choose this topic because of I studied more than two years in Handel's hometown of the UK. I have collected and learned much resources in literature, works as well as live music concerts. Therefore, it deeply discovers the background of Handel’s British life and the process of his theatrical creation in this article. At the same time, his fundamental role for development of the British masques and oratorios was detailed analysis.
 I found lots of writing and video materials for this paper, at the same time, researching by the main methods, like the literature, observation and interviews, which are valuable for the article. Apart from that, those information was collected, listed, analyze and discuss boldly. In the course of researching and accumulating, some life experiences in the UK about the composer was collected and his English works was analyzed. From this point of view, to elaborate the characteristic of the English oratorios and masques under the influence of these experiences, while analyze his the most typical two English oratorio and masque. Finally, to sum up the three main contributions of Handel's English oratorios and masque. First of all, lots of his works in his life won a vast far-reaching reputation in the world. Secondly, in many years of exploration and research, he founded and promoted the development and growth of oratorios. Finally, his unique creative ideas and techniques were become a glorious example of and role models for the later composers.
 In China, the researches and studies of this subject are still in a exploratory stage and are necessary for studying. This will provide a convenience for the vocal and theoretical education in universities. Currently, there are a lot of researches on the creative and life experiences of Handel vocal works, however, studies about that his UK life experiences influence his dramatic works in English are limited. The topic provides a theoretical basis and practical significance for the domestic long-term research on English works of Handel. Hope this article can provide effective help and insights for the research and teaching.

  Key words: The UK, Handel, masques and oratorios, characteristic styles, contribution

第1章  绪论
   1.1 本课题研究目的与意义
   1.2 本课题国内外相关的研究现状
第2章 亨德尔的音乐经历、当时英国清唱剧与假面剧的发展状态及加入英国国籍的原因
    2.1 亨德尔的个人背景以及去英国之前的个人经历
    2.2 当时英国音乐形势及清唱剧与假面剧的发展状态
第3章  亨德尔的英国生活经历及其对他的英文清唱剧和假面剧的影响下形成的作品风格特点
    3.1.2 卡农斯(Cannons)(1717年-1718年)
    3.1.3 创办英国皇家音乐学院、国王剧院及之外的一些音乐活动(1719年       —1734年)
    3.1.4 在考文特花园歌剧院(Covent Garden)及都柏林音乐之行(1732年—1742年)
    3.1.5 回到伦敦成功转型清唱剧创作(1742-1749) 
   3.2 在其英国生活经历影响下所形成的英文清唱剧和假面剧作品的风格特点
    3.2.1 以英语为歌唱语言
    3.2.2 强大的管弦乐的编制和音响效果
    3.2.3 巴洛克音乐风格的完美展现
    3.2.5 将艺术性和宗教信仰融为一体 
   3.3 以亨德尔最具影响力的英文清唱剧及假面剧作品分析
    3.3.2 经久不衰的假面歌剧-《阿西斯与加拉迪亚》(Acis and Galatea)
第4章 . 亨德尔对英国清唱剧以及假面剧事业的巨大贡献 
   4.1 作品之多,影响之大
   4.2 英国清唱剧的奠基人和创导者
   4.3 成为后代作曲家的光荣典范与榜样
